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'BECOMING 5D BEINGS and beyond!
Deepening Intuition, Using Sacred Geometry,  Manifesting & expansion skills!

MASTER these

EsoTeric Arts!!

Mastering these innate skills of our conscious abilities increases your inner creative power,  expands your awareness, and transforms your life to manifest your greatest inner joys and deepest desires.

What better time to  go inward to develop these higher skills for a more meaningful life. 


Perfect for anyone - beginner or skilled. You always expand further!

'Deepen Intuition, expand awareness, Learn to use Sacred Geometry,
and transcend your abilities!

Online Training Classes and community

The 5th Dimension is the Spiritual and Energetic Realm. 
Are you looking to DEEPEN your innate intuitive senses? 
Learn some powerful Sacred Geometry exercises for healing!
Want to get more insights, information, guidance? 
Manifest inner healing and outer manifestations! 
Discover the art of telepathy!
Learn how to connect with your Angels, Guides, Star Family, etc.
Want to SUPERCHARGE Your Intuition?
Ready for an Inner Transformation That
Will Change Your Life?
Developing Intuition and Telepathy Skills:​
  • Learn to use your innate consciousness abilities in a deliberate, powerful manner.  
  • Use Mindfulness Meditations and Guided Imagery to deepen your effectiveness.
  • Deepen your Intuitive Skills and Conscious Sensitivity in a whole new way!
  • Learn how to use Sacred Bio Geometry for Healing and Protecting yourself!
  • Expand your current level of awareness, increase your vibration, power, and intention.
  • Communicate more with your Guides, Angels, Star Family, Masters, etc. 
  • Sense and FEEL into people, places, animals, timelines, and more. 
How could your life SHIFT having a 'toolbox' of new skills to utilize? 
Personally, learning these skills years ago created MAJOR shifts!  My life shot up like a ROCKET! I finally had the tools, and more importantly, the understanding of how, why, and where I was stuck, and HOW to shift things to manifest the life I knew was more in alignment for me. I was UNLIMITED and there was no stopping me!
I had a newfound joy, clarity, and excitement for life again. I realized how powerful I really was, how I was truly an unlimited Divine Creative Being!  I knew who I was, what I truly wanted, and how to create on a much deeper level.  I was clear. It was totally empowering! There is no way I would have come so far in my life so quickly if it wasn't for my inner desperate desire to create some things differently, to allow my Soul to THRIVE! - Jane
I want to share with you the BEST in my 'Inner Consciousness Training'.  Join our amazing classes online, in a format which is now more affordable and available to anyone at anytime. 
You will deepen your understanding, practice new skills, learn new tools, and expand your awareness even further! These classes will build on each other for greater impact, deeper exploration and lasting empowerment. 
You are truly a NO LIMIT Being!
Whether you are a novice, or have been working consciously for years, it doesn't matter.
There is NO limit to your abilities to expand further.
You will always come with your own level of awareness,
and go FURTHER every single time!


Each class is about 2 hours of in-depth training, with Q & A period,
as well as experiential exercises to explore, practice, and enjoy. 
PDF Handouts or Workbook will be included with each class. 
They will be recorded so you can review it again or watch it whenever it works for you.
Enjoy each class LIVE or watch the Replays.
This powerful series contains several Master Classes -
Designed to BUILD on each level!
You'll receive recordings to review, or in case you miss it, plus get the PDF's .

Join me for the entire series for the greatest benefit!

We will be building on this info and going deeper!


Listen to Dr. Jane's latest Radio Show here:

'Developing our Telepathic Abilities'


Becoming 5D Classes

Becoming 5-D Beings And Beyond!


Learn to use Sacred Geometry, Manifest quicker and Transend your abilities!


Look what's Included:

All classes include the LIVE class, Experiential exercises, PDF Workbook with complete instructions,

recording for review anytime, plus Online community and Monthly Inner Mastery Group ZOOM Meeting!



Look at what we will be exploring during these powerful classes:



  • Preparing for the GREAT SHIFT we are in!

  • What Does 5D Mean?  Why is this important?

  • Learn a new way to meditate and expand awareness to 'get out of your mind'!

  • Expand your awareness to ALL of your 6 energetic bodies!

  • Learn to create a 'Vertical Power Axis'.

  • Master Your Connection and Expand Your Meditation Skills

  • Expand Your Conscious Sensitivity. Transcend Innate Abilities!

  • Refine your vibrational sensitivity! Discover your Soul's vibration.

  • Use these exercises as an important foundation for the next level...

FIRST CLASS - FREE! Click the link below to view it NOW!




  • Want to learn the art of 'Thought transfer' between beings>

  • How Do You Connect? What are the steps?

  • Handling Fears, Doubts, Resistance. 

  • Preparing to Receive Information or Guidance. 

  • Feeling, Knowing, Writing? What are your gifts?

  • We will focus on people, animals, plants, trees, nature, etc.

  • This class will be in 2 parts as there is a lot of info to review. 

  • WATCH LEVEL 1 Now!   ONLY $39!!!

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  • Who are they? Let's explore WHO we might connect with.

  • How Do You Connect? Feeling their energies. 

  • What are the 7 types of Empaths?

  • Preparing to Receive Information or Guidance. 

  • Feeling, Knowing, Writing? What are your gifts?

  • We will focus on Guides, Angels, Archangels, Star Beings! 

  • Please watch Level 1 class first to develop a foundation to build on!

  • Watch Level 2 Now!  ONLY $39!!!



  • Learn some experiential techniques to expand your awareness further than ever! Open your connections further.

  • Experience directing and expanding Awareness at will.

  • We'll expand our Vertical Power Axis even more!

  • Empower your Upper, Middle, and Lower Dan Tien! (power centers)

  • Discover the Cave of Brahma! Learn techniques to Open 3rd Eye!

  • Learn some powerful exercises to use Sacred Bio-Geometry to heal and empower yourself! The MOST Amazing consciousness tool to have!

  • Learn to clear and expand your consciousness!   

  • Please watch Class 1 first! 

  • Coming soon! Please watch for details. Only $39!

  • Includes replay and PDF workbook!


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  • Explore Universal Energy fields, Self-Observation

  • Assess your vibration. What is the frequency you are emanating? 

  • Do things daily that increase your vibration. 

  • Positively impact your health, vitality, attitude, and your ability to create effectively.

  • Empower yourself and others to shift to a higher level of awareness.

  • Align your physical, mental, and Spiritual bodies to increase your power.

  • Develop your Soul's inner virtues for a happier, healthier life. 

  • Date to be announced. 

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  • Trusting Intuition and eliminating Blocks

  • Identify sub-conscious beliefs that keep you from manifesting your desired outcomes.

  • Uncover deeper layers of inhibiting beliefs like peeling an onion. 

  • Learn how to recognize, shift and release them.  Create more empowering ones!

  • Practice releasing judgments as a powerful skill to shift instantly!

  • Become more ZEN ~ Experience deep inner peace. 

Date to be announced.   



  • Deepen this innate ability we ALL have!  We'll build and expand on  more sacred geometry patterns for healing.

  • Learn techniques to protect your energy field, call in Archangels!

  • Use the Zero Point field to neutralize anything.

  • Develop foundational tools and exercises for deepening your intuitive skills

  • Recognize and use positive and negative reactors

  • Sense and feel into energy, people, places, situations, beliefs.  Very empowering!

  • Date to be announced. Stay tuned! 

This Course will Expand your Awareness, Increase Intuition, Raise your Frequency, Produce More Insights, and Increase Your Creative Abilities!

Enjoy it LIVE with a group ONLINE, or use the recordings! 
PLUS -Plus Free Mastermind Calls with Dr. Jane to ask questions, give feedback,
hear from others, and be part of the community of Awakening Masters!


Ready for the NEXT Level?

Join Dr. Jane as we continue this exploration and expansions! 

upcoming classes include:

  • Transcending the Conscious Mind!

  • The Nine dimensions of healing!

  • exploring charka anatomy

  • the meaning behind organs, tissues, glands

  • using healing and rejuvenation chambers

  • mastering attention and focus

  • communicating with nature!

  • your innate power to heal yourself!

Telepathy class
What Students are saying...

I would not have had all this experience if something hadn't moved me to do the class... And, then have an experience that was coming I did not know about that, the material in class would help me in this way. 

That is what so amazing about following your intuitions and trusting.... You don't know why you are doing things in the moment and then.... Situations occur and you think wow.... This all was meant to occur so you would have a break thru or learn something you been trying to understand or get. 

I am having much come thru lately... And I am guessing just what you said.... All of a, sudden you have a break thru... And you notice how you are handling things better, info coming, goodness comes

I have been listening to you now for a good year or 2 years.... Believing and trusting and correcting myself, non-judging as things happen or don't happen and just allowing... And for first time I am sensing something is falling in place as things just get easier and smoother in how I handle situations and using thing and apply what I'm learning to life.  - Linda N.

"I have been a participant (live as well as replays) in about 20 of Jane Smolnik’s online presentations over the past 2-3 years.  The most recent was, “Master the Wild Pendulum!”  Even though over the years I had read some literature, toyed with a pendulum of my own, and watched my friends become proficient in their uses, I felt like a pendulum failure.  After her guidance in the class, I purchased a different tool that “pinged” me, followed a few details that she taught, and within the first day, we were getting along!  Thank you, Jane, for sharing your wisdom and skill from years of practice, along with your gift of logical and methodical teaching. "   

- Kathy S. LMT


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